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Become a member by filling the form down below and paying the membership fee.

If you are a Bachelor's freshman, select Bachelor's fuksi. Choose Master's fuksi if you have completed your bachelor's degree outside the School of Engineering. Old students and alumni have their own sections.
Choose either "Yes" or "No".
You can view the privacy statement at

Membership fee is paid every academic year.*

If you are a bachelor’s fuksi or a master’s fuksi within the Guild of Surveying Engineers (Maanmittarikilta), you do not need to pay the fee for the first year.

Amount: 6 €
Account number: FI13 1309 3000 2034 48
Reference number: 30070

If you have any questions about Fundi’s membership, or issues with the form above, please contact our treasurer Eedit Nissilä ( or send a message to the board

*Fundi’s membership is per academic year (1.6.2024 – 1.9.2025)

Become a member!